Our Care Centre

The resort's registered Care Center offers accommodation to 30 weak elderly people in single or double rooms with shared bathrooms and toilets.
Professional, trained staff provide day and night care for the residents.
It involves physical and medical care, three meals plus tea daily, cleaning services, laundry and 24-hour security. A special recreation room was created for Alzheimer sufferers.

The services of a caretaker, physiotherapist and visiting doctor can be arranged by appointment. An occupational therapist offers a variety of activities every week while music therapy and dog therapy are arranged from time to time.

Church services, birthday party parties, a spring tea with guest artists and special programs on other festivals are hosted throughout the year.

The Care Center also continually provides service to all the other residents in the resort.
• Each dwelling unit is connected to the Care Center (and with Security) via an emergency button.
• Regular clinic services by trained staff are available at the Care Center.